Tip Tuesday | Planning Your Outdoor Wedding

Planning an outdoor wedding is all the rage, especially living in the most beautiful state, Alaska! We all know that the weather can be a bit tricky to plan for and can cause some stress leading up to the big day! Here are a few tips and tricks that we have found helpful and are sure to make your special day a huge success!

  1. Have a backup plan!

    Having a backup plan is key when planning an outdoor wedding in Alaska! We never know what the day will bring and being prepared for anything will alleviate a lot of stress. Having a tent, indoor space, or even umbrellas can save the day if it decides to rain. Always have water bottles and/or drinks for those really hot days and it can be a nice touch to have some blankets for your guests during those stunning winter weddings!

  2. Pick your ceremony time wisely

    We all want the most beautiful pictures, so picking a ceremony time when the sun is behind your guests is best! This will allow the natural light to make you glow, rather than blinding your guests during your vows.

  3. When it comes to decor, less is more!

    The nice thing about outdoor weddings is that when it comes to decor, less is more! There is so much natural beauty surrounding you that you won’t need to spend a ton of money on decorations. You can focus on the natural elements and maybe include an arch as the focal point for your ceremony.

We wish you the best with your outdoor wedding planning and congratulations!

As always - with love, Team BBB

Photographer: Rachel Tweggs Photography

Photographer: Rachel Tweggs Photography
